Anti-money laundering policy

Money laundering is the act of converting money or other monetary instruments from illegal activity into money or investments that appear to be legitimate so its illegal source cannot be traced.

In accordance with the international legislation, adheres to a number of rules that are directed at money prevention of money laundering (i.e. activity aimed at concealing the source of illegally obtained money or other capital assets) and other unlawful activity. views money laundering as a serious criminal offence, and as such, complies with requirements intended to prevent money laundering. Such requirements are:

  • We are required to keep full records of all transactions together with identification provided.
  • We are required to monitor any unusual or suspicious transactions of any size.
  • The sender of the payment must be the same person as the payee. Any payments in favor of a third party are strictly prohibited.
  • All the contact details stated in the User's Order as well as any other personal data must be truthful and correct.
Please note that has the right to refuse a transaction at any time should suspicion arise that it may be connected to money laundering or any other criminal activity. Providing with false contact details will be deem as a misuse of our terms of service and you may be the subject to a criminal investigation. will not do business with anyone suspected of or directly involved in money laundering or where funds have been sourced by any illegal activity.

Last update: August 23 2019